Classement des entreprises


Rang Nom PM2,5 - Matière particulaire <= 2,5 micromètres
51 Imperial Oil, Strathcona Refinery - Imperial Oil 169.90
52 Hamilton - Stelco Inc. 167.20
53 Usine de Bouletage de Port-Cartier - ArcelorMittal Exploitation Minière Canada s.e.n.c. 163.80
54 8 Wing Trenton Environmental Management - DEPARTMENT OF NATIONAL DEFENCE 162.06
55 Crofton Division - Catalyst Paper Corporation 159.22
56 Miramichi Division - Produits forestiers Arbec Inc. 158.30
57 PotashCorp Rocanville - Potash Corporation of Saskatchewan Inc. 154.83
58 Cold Lake - Imperial Oil Resources Limited 151.35
59 MOSAIC POTASH ESTERHAZY - K1 SITE - Mosaic Potash Esterhazy Limited Partnership 145.55
60 Mercer Peace River - Mercer Peace River Pulp Ltd. 138.92
... ...
Rang Nom Province Ville PM2,5 - Matière particulaire <= 2,5 micromètres
51 Imperial Oil, Strathcona Refinery - Imperial Oil Alberta Edmonton 169.90
52 Hamilton - Stelco Inc. Ontario Hamilton 167.20
53 Usine de Bouletage de Port-Cartier - ArcelorMittal Exploitation Minière Canada s.e.n.c. Québec Port-Cartier 163.80
54 8 Wing Trenton Environmental Management - DEPARTMENT OF NATIONAL DEFENCE Ontario Astra 162.06
55 Crofton Division - Catalyst Paper Corporation Colombie-Britannique Crofton 159.22
56 Miramichi Division - Produits forestiers Arbec Inc. Nouveau-Brunswick Miramichi 158.30
57 PotashCorp Rocanville - Potash Corporation of Saskatchewan Inc. Saskatchewan Rocanville 154.83
58 Cold Lake - Imperial Oil Resources Limited Alberta Grande Centre 151.35
59 MOSAIC POTASH ESTERHAZY - K1 SITE - Mosaic Potash Esterhazy Limited Partnership Saskatchewan Esterhazy 145.55
60 Mercer Peace River - Mercer Peace River Pulp Ltd. Alberta MD of Northern Lights 138.92
... ...
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