Classement des entreprises


Rang Nom PM2,5 - Matière particulaire <= 2,5 micromètres
460 Honda of Canada Mfg. - Honda Canada Inc. 6.49
462 Spirit River 06-03-078-07 W6 - Tourmaline Oil Corp 6.48
463 Cavan - Masterfeeds Inc. 6.47
464 St. Nicephore Landfill - Waste Management of Canada Corporation 6.42
465 Centre de finition Montréal - Alstom Transportation Canada Inc. 6.40
466 Wingham - Masterfeeds Inc. 6.36
467 Thorold Cogen Generating Station - Northland Power Inc. 6.35
468 Nottingham Gas Plant 07-17-005-32-W1 - Steel Reef Infrastructure Corp. 6.34
469 Kapuskasing Operations - Produits Forestiers GreenFirst (QC) Inc. / GreenFirst Forest Products (QC) Inc. 6.30
470 Macoun 08-22-004-09W2 MWB - Whitecap Resources Inc. 6.27
... ...
Rang Nom Province Ville PM2,5 - Matière particulaire <= 2,5 micromètres
460 Honda of Canada Mfg. - Honda Canada Inc. Ontario Alliston 6.49
462 Spirit River 06-03-078-07 W6 - Tourmaline Oil Corp Alberta Calgary 6.48
463 Cavan - Masterfeeds Inc. Ontario Cavan 6.47
464 St. Nicephore Landfill - Waste Management of Canada Corporation Québec St. Nicephore 6.42
465 Centre de finition Montréal - Alstom Transportation Canada Inc. Québec Dorval 6.40
466 Wingham - Masterfeeds Inc. Ontario Wingham 6.36
467 Thorold Cogen Generating Station - Northland Power Inc. Ontario Thorold 6.35
468 Nottingham Gas Plant 07-17-005-32-W1 - Steel Reef Infrastructure Corp. Saskatchewan Nottingham 6.34
469 Kapuskasing Operations - Produits Forestiers GreenFirst (QC) Inc. / GreenFirst Forest Products (QC) Inc. Ontario Kapuskasing 6.30
470 Macoun 08-22-004-09W2 MWB - Whitecap Resources Inc. Saskatchewan Macoun 6.27
... ...
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